Star actress Anuskha Shetty recently celebrated completing 15 years in Tollywood. Also, she is immersed in promoting her upcoming mystery thriller ‘Nishabdham’ which is expected to release on April 2nd. In the meanwhile, there is a lot of curiosity over her next projects.
There has been a talk she will be acting in Gautham Menon’s next project and few others. Recently, another interesting news broke out that Mahesh came up to her with an intriguing script. We are not talking about superstar Mahesh Babu but Mahesh P who directed a dud like ‘Ra Ra Krishnayya’ a few years back. After that film’s failure, Mahesh took a sabbatical and wants to return now. Sources claim that he narrated a concept to Anushka which was liked by the latter and he was asked to come up with the full narration soon.
If he manages to convince the Tollywood’s Devasena, his project may go on floors right after ‘Nishabdham’. Let us wait and see what happens.