Post bifurcation, a lot of focus has come on Andhra Pradesh and with Chandrababu Naidu leading from the front, a lot of positivity is expected. But there is a looming threat that this state is facing which could cause some fatal consequences and push Andhra Pradesh into a backward area for a long time.
We are talking about the natural calamities. A slice of that was seen in the recent Hudhud cyclone. The point is, the long coastline of Andhra Pradesh is always susceptible to cyclones and floods. After the experience of Hudhud, it is nothing short of a rude wakeup call to the authorities to protect themselves from the ferocity of Mother Nature.
As such, Japan is quite prone to such erratic weather attacks but they have prepared themselves in the right way to counter it. Can Chandrababu bring the same kind of technology? At any given day, it is beyond human control to stop or resist Nature but if proper measures are not taken then yes, the threat for Andhra Pradesh will remain.