Mahesh Babu has accepted a film offer from Mythri Movie Makers and the production house said that his movie will go on floors in 2020.But the director for the project hasn’t been confirmed yet. The actor listened to scripts from Geetha Govindam fame Parasuram Petla and Maharshi director, Vamshi Paidipally wants to make another one with the actor.
There is an outside chance that Sandeep Reddy Vanga or Naga Ashwin could get a call up from Mahesh Babu. Naga Ashwin made Mahanati before and the director has a big story that he is working on from past few months, it seems.Parasuram tried his best to come up with a script that Mahesh will accept outright but that hasn’t been the case. Vamshi is trying to come up with a script by February to confirm his film.
Sandeep announced a crime thriller and he can find any producer he wants as he could deliver a 270 crores grosser in Hindi too. Naga Ashwin could bring something new to the table but Ashwini Dutt might ask for a stake in the production.
There could be a curveball altogether with SS Rajamouli finally making his film with Mahesh too. Well, as off now, only Sarileru Neekevvaru is next Mahesh film and rest all are speculations as actor did not commit to any director after small clash with Sukumar, except Anil Ravipudi who is directing him, as we speak.