There has been a tense situation in both Punjab and Haryana ever since a special CBI court convicted self-styled Godman, Dera baba Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh and sentenced him to 20 years imprisonment for raping two women. The repercussions of this verdict have now touched the Telangana government too.
On Wednesday, a large number of workers of Left parties and farmer organizations held a protest at the site of the proposed Dera of Gurmeet Baba at Velimedu village, Chityala Mandal in Nalgonda district. They demanded the state government to reclaim the entire land of nearly 50 acres which according to them was assigned to the poor but illegally occupied by Dera Baba over the past one decade. The protesters burned the flexis of Dera Baba and also planted red flags on the land.
Earlier, the Telangana state govt. took back 8 acres of assigned land to the poor, which was allegedly occupied by the supporters of Gurmeet Baba. He had reportedly planned to set up an Ashram, educational institution and old age home at the spot. Locals however were not pleased with the govt. taking back only 8 acres of land as they continued to demand the confiscation of the entire 50 acres that was illegally occupied by Gurmeet Singh.
The Left parties have threatened to launch a massive protest if the state govt. doesn’t act fast and take back the occupied lands.