Telangana IT and Panchayat Raj Minister KT Ramarao has made interesting comments today. KTR, who came as the chief guest for the inauguration of the Advanced Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT) Unit in Basavatarakam Indo American Cancer Hospital & Research Institute, said he would never do anything that brings bad reputation to his name Taraka Ramarao, that is named after legendary NTR.
Nandamuri Balakrishna, the chairman of Basavatarakam Cancer Institute, was also present there. KTR said Balakrishna is his favourite actor and asked him to work as the brand ambassador to increase the awareness on cancer to common people. KTR said the Telangana government would extend all its support to increase awareness among public on cancer and its treatments. He opined that still majority of people believe that cancer can’t be cured which is not true.
Lauding the efforts of Basavatarakam Cancer Institute that is treating many cancer patients with advanced treatments, KTR said he would try to bring a Government Order that gives exemption in Income Tax for the hospitals,Trusts and Charities who are honestly serving people. KTR said he would try to bring the GO in such a way that it would exist irrespective of the government in power.
When KTR said he would never bring down the name of legendary NTR, Balakrishna later said that KCR has named KTR after his father.