Next Friday, on November 10, a spate of Telugu films are slated to hit screens, and one among them is ‘C/o Surya’. The film has the interesting combination of a hero, who has been delivering only flops, and a heroine, whose all releases so far have hit bull’s eye at box office. Can this unusual combo score a hit?
C/o Surya stars Sundeep Kishan and Mehreen in lead roles. Ever since ‘Venkatadri Express’, Sundeep Kishan has had around 10 releases but none of them could strike gold at box office. What’s shocking is that, Sundeep failed to score a hit even with a critically acclaimed film like “Maa Nagaram”. It seems good content isn’t enough for him to hit bull’s eye at box office.
On the other hand, all three releases of Mehreen so far – Krishnagadi Veera Prema Gatha, Mahanubhavudu and Raja The Great have become success at box office. Predictably, she is being called the new ‘golden leg’ in Tollywood. She has what Sundeep lacks, ‘luck factor’. We have earlier seen the likes of Samantha, Shruti Haasan and Kajal proving lucky for star heroes. Can Mehreen end Sundeep’s hit drought by casting a lucky spell on his film? We can find it out in 10 more days.
C/o Surya is a Tamil-Telugu bilingual directed by Suseenthiran of ‘Naa Peru Shiva’ fame.