With the news of Mahesh Babu and director Trivikram Srinivas teaming up together for their upcoming film all over the place, all eyes are on who will pair up with Mahesh in the film. Though it’s too early to talk about as Mahesh is presently busy with Srimanthudu and Trivikram is working with Bunny for S/o Satya Murthy, since this is Mahesh’s next project and need to lock heroine’s dates in much advance, the makers have started hunting.
Buzz has it that Trivikram Srinivas is toying with the idea of repeating Samantha in Mahesh’s film as well as she was part of his previous venture Attarintiki Daredi and his latest film S/o Satya Murthy. However, it’s not clear whether Mahesh gives hid nod for Samantha or not.
Especially after Samantha made comments on public platform over the poster of Mahesh’s One Nenokkadine dubbing it as “regressive” irked Mahesh fans and also Mahesh, Namrata.
Though Mahesh seems to have ignored it or forgotten it and even shared laughs with Sam at public events and also accepted to do an interview in Memu Saitham, it’s not clear whether the duo pair up. What’s more doubting is whether Namrata agrees to bringing Sam on the board?