Finally, today Rajamouli has once again stated that his next film is going to be with Mahesh Babu only, giving a huge sigh of relief to Superstar’s fans. Because with Rajamouli already working with the likes of Prabhas, Tarak and Charan twice, they started to wonder when he will make a film with Mahesh. Since then, feelers about this combination are coming now and then.
While Rajamouli has confirmed that he will be sticking to his commitment given to producer KL Narayana, where he has to direct Mahesh Babu, the big question is, what kind of role the superstar will do.
In recent times, we could notice that each of Rajamouli’s heroes have different physicality and look in his films than what they have done earlier. In the wake of NTR and Charan carving new physique, beard and hairstyle for #RRR, Prabhas and Rana changing their total body for Baahubali, everyone is wondering what would Mahesh Babu do now.
Many times Mahesh confirmed that he’s comfortable with his own look and not a big fan of doing six-packs as they are affecting his facial looks. But now, either Mahesh has to change his look for Rajamouli, or the director has to change his pattern of changing the looks of heroes. We have to see what will happen.