After a couple of high-budgeted straight films, filmmaker Sharrath Marar has changed his strategy and ventured into the arena of dubbed films. While he scored a hit with his maiden Telugu-dubbed film Vijay’s Adhirindi (originally Mersal), he is prepping up for Nayanthara’s Karthavyam (Aramm in Tamil).
Coupled with interesting teaser, trailer, the word-of-mouth from the film’s premieres are all positive which is raising the expectations bar further. As critics lapping up the film laced with social cause and sees Nayanthara in a never-seen-before role of a bureaucrat, the female-centric film of Nayan is raising the eye balls.
As Karthavyam is all set to lock horns (on Mar 16) with Nikhil’s Kirrak Party which also has good dose of buzz, Sharrath Marar is keeping his fingers crossed. Sharrath said to have doled out a reasonable Rs 3 Crore for the landing cost of the film (including P&A) and has partners on board, he is hoping to repeat the magic of Adhirindi. Since Nayan is a star and draws crowd, Sharrath is expecting good openings and those are likely to take forward with people’s word-of-mouth.