The sensational musical hit of this decade ‘Aashiqui 2’ is now being remade in Telugu by Sachin Joshi and Bandla Ganesh Babu with the title of ‘nee jathagaa nenundaali.’ While critics and passionate music lovers of ‘Aashiqui’ series are worried on how our Telugu director Jaya Ravindra will play the havoc with master class film, finally here comes the release date of ‘NJN’ that is falling in theaters tomorrow.
Jeet Ganguly, Mithoon, Ankit Tiwari are the original music directors who worked even for Telugu version. With same tunes and changed lyrics, already ‘NJN’ audio is received to sparse response from public. We might have to wait for few more hours to know how far Sachin Joshi and Nazia lived in their characters to offer us a sweet, pleasant musical journey. Hope that Telugu audience will fall in love with them?