In an embarrassment to the incumbent TDP, the party’s corporator from Vijayawada Ummadi Venkateswara Rao allegedly misbehaved with a woman sitting next to him in Delhi-Hyderabad Air India Flight. According to a complaint by the 35-year-old woman, she had boarded the flight on Friday from Delhi in which the corporator sitting beside her allegedly tried to touch her.
RGI Police Station Inspector T Sudhakar said, “The woman brought the matter to the notice of the flight crew and they changed the corporator’s seat. After the aeroplane landed at RGI Airport, she complained to AI officials and security personnel and later lodged a complaint with police.”
A case under section 354 (assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty) of IPC has been registered against Ummadi. By the time the complaint was lodged, the flight which was scheduled for Gannavaram (Vijayawada) via Hyderabad had departed and Ummadi left in that. An inquiry has been launched in the issue.