Vishakapatnam recently got the ‘Smart City’ tag and now the Smart City master plan works have begun. Yesterday all higher officials from district administration. Greater Vizag Municipal Corporation (GVMC), VUDA and Police had a meeting with AECOM, IBM and KPMG and the consultants.
Speaking on the Occasion, District collector N.Yuvaraj said Vishakapatnam as the fastest developing city in the nation and he asked the consultants to prepare the master plan of the Smart City. He also asked all departments to work on priority basis.
The first phase of the master plan preparation will definitely take five months. Right now the ground work has started. Police Commissioner Amit Garg suggested some points from his point of view and he also submitted the reports based on people’s views when they work on Smart City change.
The master plan will be prepared in three phases and each phase will take 5 months of time for completion. GVMC Commissioner Pravin Kumar also said the Smart City goals to the consultants. GVMC Commissioner Pravin Kumar also explained the goals to the consultants.