Ram Gopal Varma has finally announced the casting details of his Lakshmi’s NTR, a biopic on late NTR from Lakshmi Parvathi’s viewpoint.
Kannada actress Yagna Shetty is essaying the role of Lakshmi Parvathi in this film. She did many Kannada films including Ram Gopal Varma’s “Killing Veerappan”.
RGV posted series of her photographs from the movie. She has some resemblance to Lakshmi Parvathi.
He has also announced the name of the actor who is essaying Nara Chandrababu Naidu.
Actor Sritej who was recently seen as Dr.YSR in Krish’s “NTR Kathanayakudu” has become Nara Chandrababu Naidu in RGV’s version of NTR biopic.
RGV recently said that the film will disrobe the clothes of both lies and truth.