Star actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu is a busy bee these days with back-to-back projects arriving her way. She completed the shooting of ‘Shaakunthalam’ which is a mythological drama directed by Gunasekhar. She is also acting in a web series with Varun Dhawan along with being the heroine in Vijay Deverakonda’s ‘Khushi’. She is also in talks with another Bollywood filmmaker and if things go as planned, she may work with Ayushmann Khurrana.
Coming to her thriller project ‘Yashoda’, this film has been in the making for quite some time and the makers have given us some key updates now. The talkie part of the movie has been wrapped up and just a song is left for picturisation. Also, the team decided to postpone the release due to the heavy CG work involved.
Hari-Harish duo is directing this edge-of-the-seat thriller with stellar cast & renowned technicians across the world. Sivalenka Krishna Prasad is producing this movie under his ‘Sridevi Movies’ banner. The first glimpse which came out a couple of months back raised the expectations on the movie. The dubbing is also getting started as it will be released in multiple languages. Dialogues were written by Pulagam Chinnarayana and Dr. Challa Bhagyalaxmi. Mani Sharma is composing the music while Marthand K Venkatesh is the editor.