The other day AP High Court has summoned the CBI to probe the case of Vizag Dr. Sudhakar who was suspended for complaining against no stock of masks and PPE for medical staff, and later arrested in a nuicense case. The main opposition TDP has welcomed the High Court’s decision but the ruling party is seriously unhappy.
YSRCP leader and former MLA Amanchi Krishna Mohan made controversial comments on High Court’s decision in Dr. Sudhakar’s case. Addressing the people in his constituency Chirala, Amanchi said, “I’m completely surprised that the High Court has ordered for a CBI probe because Dr. Sudhakar’s case is a petty one. “
Adding, “Nobody should question the courts. But if the court takes such decision, people will lose the faith in the law system. Also if petty cases are given to CBI, at least one case from all the police stations across the state will have to go for CBI probe which would make things even worse.”
Not stopping here, Amanchi said, “If the lockdown had not been there, I would have sat down for a protest in front of High Court.”
The last statement of Amanchi is quite controversial and he might fall into big trouble based on this.