Popular among her fans for her curly hair and chirpy roles, Mumbai actress Kamna Jethmalani made a successful career in Tollywood and acted in several superhit films, including Ranam, Sainikudu, and Allari Naresh’s Bendu Apparao RMP, Kathi Kantha Rao and Action 3D.
The bubbly actress then married a Bangalore based businessman named Suraj Nagpal last year and bid adieu to films temporarily. Kamna is currently making her comeback to Tollywood with the horror film, Chandrika.
In one of the recent promotional interviews, Kamna was spotted with her baby bump and when the curious journos asked her about it, Kamna happily revealed that she is five months pregnant and that the baby is due early next year.
Usually, most heroines, after entering wedlocks, do not prefer acting in films and when it comes to the matters of pregnancy, they maintain heavy secrecy.
Contrary to those heroines, Kamna was totally excited about the new beautiful chapter in her married life the other day in the promotional interview. The actress also stated that she will continue to act in films.