While the uproar over BJP MLA Prabhu Chavan, who was caught watching sneaking in Priyanka Gandhi’s pics in his mobile, during the Assembly session, continues and yet to be settled, two Congress leaders were found watching the videos while the session was on the next day. Karnataka Housing Minister Ambareesh and another ruling-Congress MLA Mallikarjuna were caught in similar act on Wednesday evening.
Although TV channels spotted that Mallikarjun was showing something to Mr Ambareesh in the phone, they couldn’t figure out what the duo was “watching”. This gave a fillip to BJP to retaliate and fight back which was under criticism as his MLA was caught a day ahead. Besides this, a video showing Ambareesh enjoying music in a bar and a picture of him kissing a young girl was being circulated on social media.
This naturally came in handy for Opposition BJP. Reacting to them, unfazed actor-turned-politician Ambareesh stated, ‘Yes… naanu 350 hudageerna ittukondideeni (…I have affairs with 350 girls). So what? Let them complain to anyone. I don’t care. I danced with girls in movies, but I didn’t do it inside the Assembly’.
He also denied having watched anything objectionable inside the House along with Mallikarjun.All in all, the Karnataka Assembly is witnessing war of words between ruling party and opposition party on mobile phones.