One still can’t forget Swamy Nithyananda who was caught in a video along with yesteryear actress Ranjitha. Later he was involved in 2010 rape case when a US-based woman accused him of molesting her and Supreme Court after hearing the allegations directed the Godman to undergo sex Potency Test.
Court passed the following order after cops arrested the 36-year-old 2010 in Himachal Pradesh and is being tried in Bangalore. Nithyananda in court claimed that he is not capable of having sex. In a shocker a team of six doctors after conducting sex potency tests on Nityananda, found that he is sexually potent.
This Godman Nithyananda turned Sexman Nithyananda. CBCID submitted 31 page confidential report to the Ramnagar sessions court in Bangalore and court posted the case for hearing on December 3rd.