Congress leader and former heroine Vijay Shanthi has made interesting comments on Harish Rao being kept out of cabinet. Vijay Shanthi commented that it was her who was ignored by KCR and now it is Harish Rao who has been shown the door by KCR. Vijay Shanthi said Ale Narendra was the first, herself was second and now Harish Rao who got less prominence in TRS. Vijay Shanthi said she was forced to leave the party and alleged that Harish is also being treated in similar fashion.
Vijay Shanthi’s comments have kicked up a storm in TRS circles. Even as Harish had already cleared the air stating that he is not upset with KCR for not being given Ministry, a section of Harish Rao’s fans and his loyalists are not at all happy. Harish had earlier stated that he is a disciplined leader in the party and work as per the aspirations of CM. Yet, Vijay Shanthi’s fresh comments are now increasing fears in Harish’s camp.
Meanwhile, strong political talk is that Harish Rao would be sent to Lok Sabha in the forthcoming elections. However, Harish’s loyalists in the party are worried that their camp would get less importance in the coming days.