The new party was inaugurated by Chillaka Raju Laxmipathi, who had participated in Telangana agrarian armed struggle. Party founder-president Kotham Madhava Reddy has demanded that the government pass a Bill for formation of Telangana State.
Speaking on the occasion, Kontham Madhava Reddy said the party’s agenda would be to establish socialism. Ridiculing the present Telangana movement for separate State facing several hurdles, he felt that Telangana State could be achieved only by strengthening the movement.
Telangana Lawyers’ JAC leader Katta Koti Reddy, student and activist of 1969s Telangana movement Hari Hara Natha Gupta, ‘Anveshi’ monthly magazine Editor Anneboyina Mattaiah, Telangana Yuvasena State convenor Kalwakuntla Nageshwara Rao and party activists Parameshwar Goud, Kiran Reddy, Rama Devi, Uma Devi and others were present.