In yet another tragic incident, a 40-year old man named Ramanaiah from Chennur in Nellore jumped into a well and committed suicide in a demand for special status to Andhra Pradesh. The deceased left behind a 3-page suicide note stating all the serious problems the surrounding villages are facing. Ramanaiah, is survived by his wife and 3 children.
Ramanaiah was working as a security guard at a local engineering college and he was always socially conscious. The deceased reportedly stated in his suicide note that he was very upset with the centre’s backtracking on special status. Recently, Ramanaiah wrote letters to the District Collector lamenting that the youths are unemployed and fathers plights are unaddressed and that special status is the only solution for all the issues.
Ever since Munikoti’s suicide in Tirupati a month ago, the number is people committing suicides is alarming as so far, at least 6 people have committed suicides demanding special status to Andhra Pradesh. Even CM Chandrababu Naidu appealed to the citizens of AP not to get emotional and end their lives for special status and that the government is hell-bent on convincing the centre for special status and a decent package to the state.