Thespian Akkineni Nageswara Rao’s pancha katu was very popular those days and many movies of ANR were made with village backdrop to showcase ANR in Pancha Kattu style. Every now and then, King Nagarjuna is also seen in traditional Pancha Kattu. He will be seen in Pancha Kattu attires in Bangarraju getup in upcoming film ‘Soggade Chinni Nayana’.
Apparently, Akkineni young heroes seem to have been inspired from their grandpa and dad as such both of them wore Pancha Kattu and had photographs taken specially. Naga Chaitanya posted above pic in his twitter and which is surely rocking. Having seen both the heroes in the getup, it is naturally hoped that both the heroes should do a multi-starrer with a village backdrop. We have to wait and watch whether the wish of fans gets fulfilled in near future or not.
Naga Chaitanya’s ‘Sahasam Swasaga Sagipo’ and ‘Majnu’ are on sets and will be releasing this year while Akhil’s second project is yet to be launched.