Young actor Naga Anvesh who had acted as child artist in several Telugu films such as Intlo Illalu Vantintlo Priyuralu, Sahasa Baludu Vichitra Koti etc had made his debut as hero last year with Vinavayya Ramayya. The film had bombed at box office, due to weak content. However, Anvesh impressed with his acting capabilities.
Now, Naga Anvesh is gearing up for his second movie. The young hero is said to have listened about 60 stories and has finalized an entertaining subject from them. Script works for the film are happening since last six months.As per inside sources, the makers have decided to start the project, only after completion of pre-production works.
However, it is yet not known, who is going to direct and produce the film. Heroine is also not finalized for the flick. Hope, Naga Anvesh who had succeeded as child artist will make his mark as hero too with his second movie.