Many regard him as a guy with too much attitude and deride him for many things but now handsome actor Siddharth is being praised from even his detractors for his great work in the flood relief work in Chennai. Chennai city is currently reeling under deluge of flood and many parts of the city are drowned. From last night Siddharth has been involving in relief work in Chennai city from giving shelter to the homeless, providing food to the people who are stranded on roads and mobilizing people for charity and relief work. He is also very active on social media sharing all the necessary information related to Chennai Civic works.
Siddharth’s house is also flooded with water. Despite this the actor has gathered many of his friends at home and made them to prepare food packets and deliver to the needy people all corners of Chennai. His work is being appreciated by all on the social media. Siddharth who has completely moved to Chennai from Hyderabad after offers have dried up in Tollywood is doing exemplary work in Chennai flood relief activities.