Director Boyapati Sreenu got a rude shock from Nandamuri Balakrishna earlier, as the senior hero asked him to wait for long in order to take up a film in their combination. With Balayya opting to kickstart KS Ravikumar’s movie, actually, Boyapati thought of directing a young hero.
From Akhil to RX100 fame Karthikeya, the dashing director is said to have tried luck with many young heroes. But we hear that those heroes are not interesting to team up with Boyapati owing to his routine content. Though he carves out terrific action sequences and emotional scenes, lack of proper story has led to flop show of films like Jaya Janaki Nayaka and Vinaya Vidheya Rama.
With all the options ruled out, we hear that Boyapati wants to play the waiting game only to reunite with Balayya after some time. Maybe it is high time the likes of Boyapati, VV Vinayak and Sreenu Vaitla invest more on story writers to get stunning scripts, such that they could do justice to the heavy budgets they seek.