A 26 year old Indian-American aspiring filmmaker named B Vijay Mohan died after his bike was hit by a car in his hometown in Philadelphia on 10th May. Vijay Mohan was born in a suburban Chicago town and completed his education in India. He then graduated from the Temple University with a specialization in Film and Media Arts.
After the midnight of 10th May, Vijay was riding his bike when a car crashed him, leaving him with severe head injuries and multiple fractures. He was immediately rushed to the local hospital where he died after battling for more than a week. Vijay was a promising filmmaker who will be remembered for his student films at Temple University and his association with the Philadelphia Asian Film
The Philadelphia Film and Television Community has expressed its grief over Vijay’s death. The “We will greatly miss his gentle, funny and creative spirit. He was truly committed to our work and demonstrated it daily through his interactions with PhillyCAM producers,” said PhilyCAM, city’s public-access television station”, said the city’s public-access television station.