Young Telugu heroine Sri Divya has bagged a plum project in Tamil where she is going to pair up with none other than Karthi, a star to reckon with in Tamil. Titled Kashmora, the film will see Karthi playing dual roles. The film’s shooting is expected to kick start from February and Divya is going to join soon.
After doing a handful of Telugu films like Bus Stop, Mallela Theeramlo…, Divya forayed into Tamil with Varuthapadatha Valibar Sangam (VVS) which was a splashy debut. Since then, Divya hasn’t looked back in Tamil. Besides this, three other films of Divya under post-production phase and ready to hit the theatres.
Divya also signed a Telugu film opposite Nani which will have direction by Maruti. Looks like, 2015 is promising for Divya.