The Cyber Crime Police in Hyderabad arrested four youths for stealing senior producer Suresh Babu’s son Abhiram Daggubati’s iPhone and blackmailing him. As per the reports, the youths, who hail from West Godavari inĀ Andhra Pradesh, stole Abhiram’s iPhone at a Jubilee Hills restaurant 2 years ago.
But after seeing Abhiram’s intimate pictures with Sri Reddy during the casting couch scandal, the youths unlocked Abhiram’s iPhone and sent the Daggubati scion an email on April 24th, demanding Rs 1.50 crores as ransom.
In their email to Abhiram, the youths threatened him to leak all intimate pictures and videos in his iPhone and share them with the media. After Abhiram informed this to Suresh Babu, the veteran producer had approached the top cop of Hyderabad City Police.
The cops laid a trap and assured Abhiram’s blackmailers to give the ransom they demanded and then nabbed the four when they came to collect it. All the four arrested have been taken into police custody.