Surprising everyone with his moves even before taking oath as the Chief Minister, YSR Congress President Y.S Jaganmohan Reddy has now announced that he will be taking Rs. 1 as his salary as against the usual remuneration and alliances as CM is entitled to. According to sources, Jagan is said to have taken the decision as the state is undergoing financial crisis and he doesn’t want to be a burden to the state.
The current salary of a Chief Minister is around Rs. 2.5 lakh. However, the total salary comes up to Rs. 4.5 to 5 lakh including allowances and other benefits. Rejecting such benefits and the finances from the state government to be paid to him, Jagan is setting an example, his party cadre believes.
It can be recalled that the only other Chief Minister who took Rs. 1 as his salary was Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao when he served as the Chief Minister of united Andhra Pradesh. By following NTR’s example, Jagan has not only politically gained brownie points but also is winning people’s appreciation as the incoming CM.
With surprises of secularism on one side by visiting temple, Dargah and Church yesterday and other positive announcements expected from the new Chief Minister today, can the people of Andhra Pradesh expect Jaganmohan Reddy to take the state further on the growth path? We are yet to see it. But, looks like his Rs. 1 salary move has been welcomed by one and all.