India’s ace badminton player PV Sindhu landed in Vijayawada today and directly met AP CM YS Jagan. On this occasion, Jagan congratulated Sindhu and felicitated her along with her parents. Jagan wished Sindhu to achieve more successes in future and honour the country in the international arena.
Later Jagan along with Sindhu and her parents talked privately for a few minutes. In this meeting, Jagan discussed about encouraging sports and athletes in the state while Sindhu has proposed to set up a badminton academy. She also requested land for the construction of the academy with international standards.
Considering Sindhu’s request, Jagan responded positively and assured that she will be allotted five acres of land in Vizag. After the meeting Sindhu spoke to the media and said Jagan was very encouraging and he promised to improve the sports facilities in the states and we discussed certain issues.
Minister Avanthi Srinivas and officials of SAAP were also present when Sindhu met Jagan. Later the badminton player met AP Governor Biswabhushan Harichandan.