Opposition leader and YSRCP President, YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, is reportedly making frequent visits to a top Tollywood actor’s house. Considering that the actor happens to be Jagan’s relation, Reddy is bonding big time with actor and his family members.The actor, who has good film and political contacts, too said to be happy with Jagan’s friendship. It’s learnt that Jagan is becoming close to the actor’s family in recent times and the actor is even contemplating to join YSR Congress Party but however said to be waiting for the right time for his political reentry.
Interestingly, the actor’s guru-filmmaker who is one of the industry’s stalwarts also share good bond with Jagan. Jagan even visited his house and the filmmaker clarified that Jagan is seeking his blessings.
Going by this, it’s clear that YS Jagan Mohan Reddy is now wanting to rope in actors, filmmakers into his party to bring the glam touch. Especially at a time many of leaders are leaving his party, Jagan seems to be turning desperate to join known people into YCP.