VIJAYAWADA: A day after the completion of the panchayat polls, the YSRC on Monday claimed it won 80.51 per cent of the panchayats, and pushed the Opposition TDP to a distant second spot (16.05 per cent). “We would have won 90 per cent of the panchayats had the TDP not resorted to conspiracies,’’ Panchayat Raj Minister Peddireddy Ramachandra Reddy said, adding the ruling party will repeat the performance in the Urban Local Body polls also.
Speaking to reporters here on Monday, he said the YSRC-backed candidates won 10,536 of the 13,000-odd panchayats that went to polls. “TDP chief N Chandrababu Naidu is claiming that his party won nearly 50 per cent of the seats even as it secured just 2,063 panchayats,’’ he added.
He said the results are a mandate given by the people to the governance of Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy. “Jagan kept more than 90 per cent of the promises made before the general elections, within one-and-a-half years of coming to power,” the minister observed.
Ramachandra Reddy said Naidu failed to win a decent number of panchayats even in his own Kuppam constituency where he tried to win by ‘pumping money’. “After the first phase, Naidu alleged that we were resorting to excesses. After the second, he targeted the SEC. Now he is claiming that his party won more than 50 per cent of the panchayats.” He also exuded confidence of winning Guntur and Vijayawada corporations.