Addressing a media conference here, YSR Congress spokesperson Roja questioned Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy why he has been maintaining silence over the increasing number of rape incidents in the state. “Why didn’t you think of calling the assembly session to discuss the issue and devise ways to prevent recurrence of such atrocities on women,” she questioned the CM. “Assembly session should be convened immediately to discuss the issue. I also suggest that Government should discuss the issue with leaders of all parties seriously and take some concrete decisions to protect women,” she said.
Roja squarely blamed the inefficiency of the Congress-led UPA at the Centre and the Kiran Kumar Reddy-led Congress Government in the state for the ever increasing number of rape incidents and atrocities on women. “Due to the Government’s inefficiency and its failure to punish the guilty responsible for such incidents, the criminals are not afraid to perpetrate these crimes,” she said. “Home department is being handled by Sabitha Indra Reddy while Sonia is Congress chief and Shiela Dikshit is Delhi CM. Still, incidence of rape is on the rise.”
Referring to the gruesome incident of 5-year old girl in Delhi and the recent incidents of rape that took place in several towns of the state including the incident of a mentally challenged girl, Roja said the Government in the state has totally failed to protect women. The Governments at the Centre and in the state are not enthusiastic to utilize the services of the police to protect people and solve people’s problems. “Neglecting the people’s problems, the Governments are only concentrating on their political survival.
If they had shown the same enthusiasm in solving the people’s problems, the problems of women and farmers would have already been solved,” she said, adding that police force also should be properly utilized to protect people. She said CM Kiran Kumar is only interested in increasing the volumes of liquor business. “He has no interest in solving the drinking water problems and other issues people are facing,” she said and added: “The Government has issued 35 GOs to have a liquor production of 7.5 lakh crore liters.”