YSR Congress party MLA Kotamreddy Sridhar Reddy said eight Telugu Desam MLAs are in touch with them and if Jagan accepts, they are ready to take up YSRCP flag by evening. “In the last two months, TDP Rajya Sabha MP is in talks with us and since a few days, nearly 8 MLAs are willing to join YSRCP. If Jagan says yes, they will join the party by the end of the day,” said Kotamreddy.
However, Kotamreddy added that all the eight MLAs are asking ticket for the next elections from now which is something our party needs to decide. Nevertheless, Kotamreddy refused to reveal the names of MLAs who are in touch with him and added that at ground level, TDP leaders are looking at YSRCP and they opine that TDP has no future in Andhra Pradesh.
In counter to YSRCP’s claims TDP MLA Payyavula Keshav has dared Kotamreddy to reveal the names of the cycle party MLAs. He called this as Jagan and YSRCP’s mind games and asked the TDP leaders not to fall in this trap.
Criticising Governor’s speech, Keshav said, there is no mention about development and capital city. This is not Governor’s speech, it is all about ‘Nava Ratnalu’ speech.AP CM YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has made strange statements in the assembly in his first ever speech. After Tammineni Sitharam was elected as Speaker of the Assembly, Jagan stood up to deliver his speech congratulating Tammineni.
“While electing the speaker, I recalled many incidents. This assembly has witnessed how unruly opposition MLAs were snatched by the previous ruling party. If I follow the same for political benefits, there won’t be any good that can survive in this assembly. Before coming to the assembly, few people have suggested me that if we can pull off five MLAs of TDP, the party will lose its status to get opposition status. I can do so but I’m not here to do such politics and there won’t be any difference between me and Chandrababu,” said Jagan.
Saying that the recent elections are the best example of democracy, Jagan added that the party which took our MLAs and MPs, got the same number of legislators and Parliamentarians. If at all any party MLA, MP or leader wants to come to us, they should resign to their constitutional position first or else the speaker should disqualify them immediately without any hesitation.
“Last assembly showed us how a leader of the house and speaker should not be so. This assembly will set an example as how a leader of the house and speaker should act with their constitutional powers,” said Jagan.