YS Rajasekhar Reddy’s childhood friend and the former Union Minister Sai Prathap Reddy has turned emotional and returned to Congress. He has joined Congress in the presence of AICC Secretary Mayeppan, AP PCC chief Raghuveera Reddy, AP PCC vice president Tulasi Reddy and other Congress leaders in Kadapa yesterday.
Sai Prathap Reddy expressed his regret over quitting the Congress. He stated that he will remain in Congress till his last breath and asked them to cover his mortal remains with Congress flag when he dies.
Sai Prathap Reddy had quit Congress over the bifurcation of the state. He had later joined ruling TDP in March 2016 in the presence of Chandrababu Naidu. However, he was unhappy over the treatment in TDP. He was upset that he was denied Rajampet Parliament seat from where he represented Lok Sabha for six terms. He had quit TDP in March 2019.
Finally, Sai Prathap Reddy returned to Congress fold. He paid floral tributes to Indira Gandhi, Rajeev Gandhi and YSR’s photographs. He said good days are ahead for Congress in AP. Sai Prathap also wished to see Rahul Gandhi as the Prime Minister.
The moot question is that why Sai Prathap hasn’t opted for joining YSR Congress party.